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Room air purifier CLAIR 800 - fewer viruses. More quality of life.

Virus-free room climate with antiviral air filters

Whether a person gets corona or not depends heavily on the dose of infection. In addition to droplets, aerosols have also been identified as carriers of viruses. They float in the air and are taken in by people. To avoid this, it is important to attach particular importance to the air exchange. Room air purifiers promote air quality and contribute significantly and continuously to reducing the viral load. The prerequisite is highly efficient filter technology, a large volume of air and optimal distribution of the filtered air.

The CLAIR 800 room air purifier makes our coexistence more pleasant again. The powerful room air purifier ensures maximum protection against viruses, pollen, odors and house dust. With its 4-stage filter system, the CLAIR 800 room air purifier with highly efficient industrial filters, carbon filters and a high-efficiency HEPA H14 filter filters 99.995% of pollutants from the air - for a healthy and pleasant room climate. Simple, quiet and reliable. The built-in UV-C lamps and the built-in carbon filter kill the viruses on the one hand and eliminate odors and pollen from the air on the other. Ideal for allergy sufferers.

The CLAIR 800 room air purifier offers technical excellence and extraordinary convenience for private and commercial use. For more quality of life and security. A long-term solution even after Corona and with a vaccine

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Warum CLAIR 800 + Textilschlauch ?

Das ideale Duo gegen die Pandemie und damit gegen die immer wieder auftretenden Infektionswellen.
Die flüsterleise Kombination bietet punktgenaue und ideale Verteilung der gefilterten Luft im gesamten Raum. So ist ein reibungsloses und konzentriertes Arbeiten weiterhin möglich. Je nach Raumgröße und Bedarf können ein oder mehrere Luftreiniger flexibel positioniert werden. So ist frische und gefilterte Luft auch für große Räume möglich sowie eine kontinuierliche und zuverlässige Luftströmung bis in die kleinste Ecke aber auch großflächig. Besondere Räume der Designansprüche? Kein Problem für uns, denn unser Partner DeTec GmbH bietet individuelle Gestaltung der unter der Decke anzubringenden Textilkanäle, angepasst an Raumdesign & -dimension.


Anwendungen: Schulen, Kindergärten, Gastronomie, Hotellerie, Büros, Besprechungs- und Seminarräume, Kirchen, Arztpraxen, Einzelhandel, Fitnessstudio, Kulturveranstaltungen, uvm.

  • For rooms up to 80 m2

  • Coarse filters remove coarse dirt particles from the air

  • Fine filters remove fine dirt particles from the air

  • Highly efficient HEPA H14 filters remove more than 99.995% of viruses

  • Carbon filters remove both plague particles and odors from the air

  • Ozone-free UV-C light disinfection removes odors and kills viruses

  • Can be flexibly positioned thanks to built-in rollers

  • Filter replacement: approx. Once a year, depending on the operating time

  • Volume: <50 dbA

  • Easy installation with 230 V mains connection

  • Constant speed control ensures constant air filtration

  • Built-in control display

    • On / off button with display

    • Status display of the filter contamination

    • Level 1-4 of the ventilation intensity

  • Particularly quiet and energy efficient

  • Size: 1.25 mx 0.48 m

  • Weight: approx. 30 kg

  • Air flow rate: 800 m³ / h

  • Max. Power consumption: approx. 500 W

  • Air exchange rate: at least 4 times per hour in a room size of 80m2 to reduce the risk of infection  

  • Long-term solution even after Corona and with vaccine

  • Increase in well-being and less exposure to fine dust and viruses

  • Color: white / black



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