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CLAIR - The CleanAir System

CLAIR is made up of the terms “CLEAN” (clean) and “AIR” (air). Whether a person gets corona or not depends heavily on the dose of infection. In addition to droplets, aerosols have also been identified as carriers of viruses. They float in the air and are taken in by people. To avoid this, it is important to attach particular importance to the air exchange. CO2 traffic lights and room air purifiers promote air quality and contribute significantly and continuously to reducing the viral load. Requirements are highly efficient and valid measuring devices that everyone can understand and interpret as well as highly efficient filter technology in the room air purifiers.

We introduce you to our system that ensures clean air thanks to intelligent technology - a system with intelligence and foresight that ensures that pathogens in the air can spread less thanks to reliable filter functions and / or ventilation reminders.

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KAY kids

The intelligent CO2 light with noise measurement for schools, kindergarden, elementary school


KAY mini

The intelligent CO2 light for offices, meeting rooms, retail, law firms.

KAY mini is only 16 cm high

and 6 cm wide


KAY office

The intelligent CO2 light for offices, meeting rooms, retail, law firms, restaurants, hotels, nursing homes

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The intelligent room air purifier against CORONA fours with 4-stage filter system, HEPA H14 filter, carbon filter, UV-C disinfection and CO2 measurement


KAY doctor

The intelligent CO2 light for medical practices, hospitals, waiting rooms, physiotherapists, nursing homes

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CLAIR 800 + Textilschläuche

Der intelligente Raumluftreiniger mit 4-stufigem Filtersystem, HEPA H14-Filter, Kohlefilter, UV-C Desinfektion und CO2-Messung ab jetzt auch mit flexiblen und hygienischen Textilkanälen


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